ProgramNovember 14th14h-14h15: Welcome and Introduction - Alessandra Carbone Heterogeneity and Single Cell Dynamics14h15-15h Martin Hemberg - Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK "Searching Large Collections of Single Cell Data" 15h-15h45 Antonio Scialdone - HelmholtzZentrum München, Germany "Investigating Cell Competition in Mouse Embryos by Single-Cell Transcriptomics and Mathematical Modelling"
15h45-16h15 Coffee Break 16h15-17h Gregory Batt - Inria, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France "Driving Cellular Processes at the Single Cell Level with Quantitative Accuracy Using Real-Time Control Approaches" 17h-17h45 Guillaume Lambert - Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA "Unravelling Bacterial Adaptation Dynamics under Fluctuating Environments" Posters
November 15thMutation and Adaptation9h-9h45 Andrea Weisse - Imperial College, London, UK "Stochasticity in cellular growth: sources, propagation and consequences" 9h45-10h30 Jan Korbel - EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany "Single-Cell Analysis of Structural Variations and Complex Rearrangements with Tri- Channel-Processing"
10h30-11h00: Coffee Break Genome Dynamics11h-11h45 Céline Vallot - Institut Curie, Paris, France "Tracking the Dynamics of Chromatin States in Tumor Cells at Single-Cell Resolution: Response and Resistance to Cancer Therapies" "Direct and simultaneous observation of transcription and chromosome architecture in single cells with Hi-M"
12h30 – 14h30: Lunch and Posters
Communities, Multicellularity, Collective Behaviour
"Understanding Bacterial Multicellular Behaviors Cell by Cell"
"A Crohn’s Disease Associated Bacterium Forms Intracellular Communities Inside Phagolysosomes of Macrophages" "The Effect of Crowding on the Genetic Diversity of a Spatially Growing Cellular Population"
End of the meeting